Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Chauncey Solinger State Representative Campaign Run Final Thoughts

Unless something of great interest happens, this will be my final entry.  There is no more value to offer information (at least that I can think of) on the happenings of Chauncey Solinger.  He arrived, he played dirty, and he lost.  If I had any part in that at all, then so be it.

Speculation was there about who I supported in the race, whether or not I was an alias of one candidate or another.

Well, the truth of it is that I am not Rodrigues or Grant.  I started following the race early, and noticed Solinger's tactics from the get go.  As things got worse, I started to respond.

So who did I support?  While I believe that Rodrigues will be fine, I personally think that the best candidate lost.  In spite of some people being uncomfortable (myself included) with the issue of "carpetbagging" I supported Mike Grant.

The race for District 76 was interesting and hard fought, with a little bit of mud slinging for good measure.  Let's hope the animosity can be put to rest.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chauncey Solinger is NOT the Frontrunner!!! Turn out the Lights the Campaign is OVER!!!

What is the expression, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Well...

Looks like the self-proclaimed "Front Runner" got doubled up by Rodrigues!!  I could link all the various blogs and posts, and I might in the future if I feel like it, but at this point it may seem like running up the score.  Rodrigues just had a homecoming game.

The lesson here is that dirty campaign tactics, name calling, and lies do not win elections.  Solinger got exactly what he deserved based on the way he conducted himself.  From the outset all he did was take potshots, and it got worse from there.  He tried to create an image of domination via the Internet, and it failed miserably.  Solinger should be completely ashamed of himself for what he wrote and did during this campaign.  The blogs and lies were over the top.

At the end of the day, he is left with a smaller bank account (18K), plus pending fines, and a huge does of humble pie.  Hopefully he can learn something from this.

A note to the reader.  Am I any better than him for what I did?  Perhaps not.  My purpose in doing this was for a taste of his own medicine.  After launching unprovoked attacks in a manner that was crude and disrespectful, I decided to make the Internet work against him for a bit.  The difference between me and Solinger was one simple thing:  truths.  Everything I posted had facts behind it, and not distorted half-truths.  Pure facts supporting arguments.  At times I have felt bad about this, but not remorse.  Sometimes lessons have to be taught.

Chauncey Solinger Internet Images on Election Day

For the record, I did NOT do these.  Yes, I had part the others but these were not me.  It looks like others in the district are figuring out a bit more about Solinger.  If you do not believe me, just google Chauncey Solinger, and look under images.  There is this one, plus a more vulgar one that I will not post here.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Chauncey Solinger DEAD LAST in Endorsements in District 76 Race!!

At Chauncey Solinger Fact vs. Fiction we are all about the truth.  We provide facts, information, and sources.  The latest little tidbit comes directly from the candidates in the race for the Florida House or Representatives District 76.

Remember all the blogs from Chauncey Solinger indicating oh so much support.  Well, either it is a fabrication, or he does not know how to run a campaign.  Why do I say that?  Simple.  Endorsements.  Mike Grant has them.  Ray Rodrigues has them.  As for Chauncey Solinger, well not so much.

Here is my unofficial score count of the number of endorsements for each candidate:

Grant:  Eight.
Rodrigues:  Seventeen, plus support from several other organizations.
Solinger:  ZERO

At this point in the election, a viable candidate should be able to solidly point to groups or organizations that are verifiable or recognizable.  Chauncey Solinger has fallen far short of his opponents in this regard.  This does not bode well for Solinger as the election draws to a close.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Chauncey Solinger Florida State Rep Candidate Facing BIG FINES!!

Chauncey Solinger is great at setting up multiple blogs with the same misinformation, but he cannot keep his campaign paperwork in order.  And it will cost him big.

A search on the Division of Elections website of Chauncey Soliner's name reveals some very interesting information.  Did you know that Chauncey Solinger has failed miserably to meet filing deadlines?  The fail to file notice he received (image below, but check the website for the whole document) was issued on July 30th.  At that point he owed $150, but after that it is $500 per day (certain limits apply).  The exact fine has not been issued (not to worry, we will have it here on this blog), but this guy is about to drop a bit more cash.

So what do we have?  We have a candidate who tell us he is experienced living on a budget, making a business work, and will be able to make changes in Tallahassee. But he cannot manage his affairs.  If this simple task is beyond him then how can he ever get anything done in the Legislature?

If you have an employee who was costing your business this kind of money it is very likely that you would show them the door.  On election day, my advice is to never let him open the door.  Lee county cannot afford the Legislative version of a bumbling, stumbling clown who does not know what to do.  We need serious people, doing serious work representing this community.

Chauncey Solinger has prattled on and on about being dedicated to the job year around, the most available candidate and the most connected.  He cannot be that dedicated if cannot manage the most simplest tasks of his campaign.

Chauncey Solinger Fail to File Letter with Information on Fines

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Chauncey Solinger Misleads Officials in Run for State House??

The web of half-truths and misleading information may be mounting for Chauncey Solinger.  Solinger claims to be leading polls, either telephone or exit polls.  Yet, where ever I have asked for evidence from him or his supporters they do not respond.  I am called names, ignored, or they retaliate in some fashion.  Well, this will not make them happy as I bring forward another question of Solinger's campaign tactics and management.

Solinger filled out a disclosure form, and claims that his residence is worth $175,000.  But this does not add up.  According to the Lee County Appraiser's Office his house is worth just under $121,000.  In fairness, those number sometimes lag the market.  Well, I could not get a price on the residence because it is a duplex he co-owns with others (more on that in a moment).  But I looked on Zillow at the neighborhood in general.  The house next door has had nearly flat increases in value.  Therefore, we can surmise that the neighborhood is holding value, or increasing ever so slightly.

So what is my point?  According to county records, Solinger paid along with his co-owners 130,000 for the duplex in July of 2010.  With an appraised value of 121,00 last year, and a relatively flat market how does his residence get valued at $175,000?  An increase of value in approaching 35% in two years??  In this market?  I do not think so!!

But to compound it, he is a co-owner of the residence.  On his paperwork he overvalues the asset at 175,000 and makes no mention that he does not own the whole thing.  Granted, the mortgage he has outstanding may not be all his either, but this is not clear.  We have an overvalued property, and no assurance of what he actually owes.  Solinge is unable to complete this form with any sense of consistency.

The real issue is not whether he owes more or less, or the intricate details.  The issue here is once again Solinger portrays something that is either completely not true, or is a stretch of the truth in order to meet his needs.  Where is the integrity or honesty we need in a State Representative?  I do not see it, and you won't either.

For your ease, I have snapshots of his campaign finance form and deed information!

Solinger Home Purchase information
Solinger Campaign Disclosure