Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chauncey Solinger is NOT the Frontrunner!!! Turn out the Lights the Campaign is OVER!!!

What is the expression, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Well...

Looks like the self-proclaimed "Front Runner" got doubled up by Rodrigues!!  I could link all the various blogs and posts, and I might in the future if I feel like it, but at this point it may seem like running up the score.  Rodrigues just had a homecoming game.

The lesson here is that dirty campaign tactics, name calling, and lies do not win elections.  Solinger got exactly what he deserved based on the way he conducted himself.  From the outset all he did was take potshots, and it got worse from there.  He tried to create an image of domination via the Internet, and it failed miserably.  Solinger should be completely ashamed of himself for what he wrote and did during this campaign.  The blogs and lies were over the top.

At the end of the day, he is left with a smaller bank account (18K), plus pending fines, and a huge does of humble pie.  Hopefully he can learn something from this.

A note to the reader.  Am I any better than him for what I did?  Perhaps not.  My purpose in doing this was for a taste of his own medicine.  After launching unprovoked attacks in a manner that was crude and disrespectful, I decided to make the Internet work against him for a bit.  The difference between me and Solinger was one simple thing:  truths.  Everything I posted had facts behind it, and not distorted half-truths.  Pure facts supporting arguments.  At times I have felt bad about this, but not remorse.  Sometimes lessons have to be taught.

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